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Needed: economies which thrive whether or not they grow – Kate Raworth

by | 7 Jun 2020 | Actions & initiatives, Economics, Solutions, Videos - Economics | 0 comments

Economies are destabilizing the planet. The goal of economic growth is now taken to be a nation’s welfare, whereas its goal should be “meeting the needs of all within the means of the planet” — see Prosperity without Growth. below and elsewhere.

See also other videos  or other posts  on Economy.

A detail of Prosperity Without Growth , 2017 ¦ image by Abdulnasser Gharem. Click on image to see secret message.

Kate Raworth  TED2018.

Society equates economic progress with growth. Preoccupation with growth originated in the 1930s with the invention of gross domestic product (GDP), an economy’s total value of goods and services sold yearly, and modern society has become “financially, politically and socially” addicted to growth, and the hefty pricetag is vast income inequality and environmental degradation. The economy is  destabilizing the planet.  A more “inclusive, balanced” or “green” growth isn’t the solution to these problems. Rather, society must replace its growth paradigm – including the metric of money – and view progress differently.

Videos on Economics


Economics basics – Ha-Joon Chang
Economics basics – Ha-Joon Chang

Why every person can and SHOULD get their head around basic economics. Get some facts, and get involved in discussions about the fundamentals that your day-to-day lives depend on.

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The story of stuff
The story of stuff

The Story of Stuff connects lots of environmental and social issues urges us together to create a sustainable, just world. It’s funny and may change the way you look at all the Stuff in your life …

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Sustainability apparently boosted by Covid-19
Sustainability apparently boosted by Covid-19

Though trending before the covid-19 crisis, stockmarket indices that take into account environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors have bettered the market three months into the year. Read here how and why sustainable investing is evolving.

Economics basics – Ha-Joon Chang
Economics basics – Ha-Joon Chang

Why every person can and SHOULD get their head around basic economics. Get some facts, and get involved in discussions about the fundamentals that your day-to-day lives depend on.



Prosperity without Growth by Abdulnasser Gharem.

The process of making a “stamp-painting”, as Gharem has named it, is reminiscent of the calligraphed bibles created with dedication and devotion by cloistered monks in the middle ages – see the video by clicking on the image. Prosperity without Growth express his idea “that computer games or the media in general have a stronger influence on opinion forming than education or religion”.

See also other videos or other posts on Economy.

The Process of Stamp Painting from Gharem Studio on Vimeo. 

The Sustainability.World site is being developed now.  We aim to have it grow with contributions by interested people of the community - register here.

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  • Give feedback on the Sustainability.World site
  • Create children's pages for the themes and topics (people interested or knowledgeable in how children learn and what captures their attention)
  • Create / collect / list interesting facts, quizzes, images, videos
  • Create content (posts and core content) to be uploaded to the site (writers & researchers)
  • Develop the site's functionalities (web-developers, web-designers and UX-design).


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