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Video stories

This video, in French, helps children to understand why bees are so necessary to us and to the Earth, who their predators are, why it’s dangerous if they disappear, what pollination is … why we need bees so much.

This is the video of a book by Shel Siverstein.  It tells the story of an apple tree and her love for a little boy; and the happiness she feels when he visits; and how the little boy changes as he grows up …

This short video, done by Oxfam, a NGO, promotes their “Grow Campaign” and calls the World Bank to react to it. But it also has an interesting narrative and animations that explain simply how big foreign companies invest in poor countries to produce cheap food, and how this affects the local population, takes away peoples’ lands, their jobs, homes and food, and makes them poor.

This short video, made by Oxfam, a NGO, highlights the huge financial gap between the richest and the poor and poverty’s increase in the world. It mentions corruption and lobbying in law-making processes, the fact that inequalities are even worse for women. Finally, it tells us that inequalities are not accidental or inevitable: they are the result of policies taken by the most powerful… But the situation  can be changed if we, the people, push governments to adopt fair tax systems and to use public money efficiently, for promoting health and education.

This French documentary, recently made by a teenage boy of 17, Guillaume Thébault.  He interviews experts in botany, economics, permaculture, a molecular biologist and expert in GMO, and others, in his search for information to answer the question “can green agriculutre feed humanity sustainably” ?

This is an illustrated version of the famous Danish fairy tale written by Hans Christian Andersen  It’s the story of a young fir-tree which lives in the forest among other fir-trees, pines and small animals and is growing up enjoying sunshine and fresh air.  Then one day, the little fir-tree is cut down and set up in a house as Christmas decoration. Quickly after celebrations, it is taken to the attic, where it meets some mice …

This is an illustrated version of a French tale written by Jean Giono. It’s about Elzéard Bouffier, a young shepherd who lives alone in a desolated, desert region.  He spends most of his life planting trees.  Thanks to his work and persistence, the land becomes alive and lively.

The Sustainability.World site is being developed now.  We aim to have it grow with contributions by interested people of the community - register here.

We particularly need Volunteers to help with themes and topics listed on the Theme page:
(click here to download the list)

  • Participate in organizing / editing / formatting information and content we already have
  • Give feedback on the Sustainability.World site
  • Create children's pages for the themes and topics (people interested or knowledgeable in how children learn and what captures their attention)
  • Create / collect / list interesting facts, quizzes, images, videos
  • Create content (posts and core content) to be uploaded to the site (writers & researchers)
  • Develop the site's functionalities (web-developers, web-designers and UX-design).


You can see some contributions to posts here; you can upload your contributions here; or just get in touch here.